Falcons Modernisation

Our modernisation team scored a game winning try today with an early delivery of the first of three lifts for Newcastle Falcons, Kingston Park Stadium!

Our client had asked for a refurbishment that would bring stability to the heavily used lifts, addressing the main items that would bring longevity to the product and keep their guests moving for years to come.

This MRL unit was specifically chosen to provide a new lease of life, with a product package with Zeihl Abegg machine and our trusty Schneider Lift control package. This new and bespoke system also offers a customer-orientated, full 17.3” TFT display with touch sensitive screen. Additionally, these mechanical buttons provides the lift with a modern look and all the benefit of windows editing to customise the messages and images shown.

The flexibility of this product helps us provide our clients with engineered solutions to their lift problems, and as we have been installing these panels for almost 10 years. We have our own in-house experts which allows our family business to ensure that our high quality end results are achieved.

We move onto the second and third units, as the game isn’t finished yet, so more info will soon follow!