Lift Modernisation / NHS Newcastle.

We have recently completed a lift modernisation project for the NHS at a prestigious site in Newcastle following a thorough tender process.


The lift in question is an 8 person 5 stop traction passenger lift that was installed around 25 years ago; the lift control system was unreliable which resulted in the unit being left out of service for 6 Months. Like any building, the loss of one of its lifts has a real impact on the passenger throughput, but as this was a hospital reliability was even more critical for the building.


We were invited to tender for this project by the hospital following previous successful projects we have delivered at sites across the region.


After a site survey by our lift technician, our sales team submitted our proposal and we were delighted to be awarded the project especially given the fact we beat off completion from two of the biggest lift companies in the world.


At the pre-start meeting our client advised they were impressed by our professionalism and the modernisation solution we were able to provide – especially given the short lead time of the equipment by our manufacturer and quick installation time of our engineers on site.


Our proposal focussed on the replacement of the lift control system and all associated wiring, landing pushes, car control panel, shaft positioning system, car door operator, car top control unit and auto-dialler.


All the parts and components that we fitted were open protocol, giving flexibility to the client for future maintenance and repair needs.


From receipt of an order we had the lift fully operational within 4 weeks! So from 6 months without the use of the lift, 10 days after an order work commenced!

The passenger lift is now in service and will give the client a reliable lift for years to come.


A lift upgrade is a good solution in existing buildings as it saves time, builders-work, money and upheaval on site. A lift control upgrade is an excellent solution for lifts like the one on this site as it cuts down on call-outs, issues and costs without costing a huge amount of money to do the work.


We always recommend to clients to keep an eye on problem lifts as often lift repair costs can be expensive, when a lift replacement or lift modernisation would save money in the longer term. If we can help with any lift maintenance, lift repairs, lift modernisations or new lifts please contact us on 0845 63 43 172 or e-mail



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