If you’re a big fan of the lift installations you already have put in place in your commercial or industrial building, and although they’re getting pretty old you’re still fond of how they look or how well they’ve run in the past, then we’ve got good news for you! A lift modernisation service is the best way to ensure you won’t have to completely replace your lifts when they’re starting to age for the worse, restoring any lift to its former glory by injecting the very latest technology and subjecting it to the finest refurbishment processes.
Here at UK Lift & Escalator Ltd, lift modernisation is definitely one of our specialities. We have a tremendous range of lift modernisation packages and upgrades available throughout the UK, and our expert team is fully conversable with just about every kind of lift there is out there. Combine that with an incredibly speedy and reliable service, and you have a lift modernisation company that can get you a fully modernised lift installation within just three weeks of receiving the order.
If you’re at the opposite end of the spectrum and you’d rather have your lift taken out and replaced, however, our lift replacement service is the right choice for you. The end result will be the same of course, as we’ll never settle for anything less than the very best we can do, though it might be a little more difficult as the old lift has to be completely taken out of its old installation. Depending on the design and layout of your given building, both lift modernisation and lift replacement can be tough, but our team can guarantee you a top result no matter what.
All of our lift modernisation and lift replacement packages are bespoke and uniquely tailored to your individual situation, so don’t hesitate to check out what we could do for you! You can always get in contact with any questions or queries if you’d like to know the ins and outs of what our service entails, or you’d like an expert opinion from our lift company Sunderland on how to proceed with your older lift installations!