Earlier this week we were pleased to hand over yet another on target, top quality modernisation project for our customer.
Around 2 weeks ago we posted the update on our project at Northlands residential Home whereby the pre-works and health and safety items were all completed in advance of taking the lift fully out of service.
We then moved onto the main stage of work installing our Schneider lift product combined with an Algi hydraulic package.
Now after a number of years in the business, it’s nice to be genuinely impressed by the engineering and design improvements that can be offered, and this was definitely one of those occasions. The lift now runs smoothly, operates far quieter and will bring cost efficient service for years to come.
We took before and after ride quality measurements as we always do, and this lift has had over 20db running noise reduction!
A successful project for all involved, with a nice final invite to survey another of the clients buildings in the new year! Happy customers, happy residents and happy engineers!
Makes it all worth while.
If you have a similar project you would like some support with, why not call our office on 0845 63 43 172 or send us an email to info@ukliftandescalator.co.uk